Hi! I’m Katie,

Core & Pelvic Floor

Fitness Trainer & Habits Coach

Client Testimonials

Mission & Values

K10 Mission:

Empowering women to intuitively and authentically transform their mindset, habits, fitness & nutrition to design the life they love.

K10 Values:

Fierce Authenticity:

Boldly embracing and expressing one's true self, without compromise, in all aspects of the wellness journey and life. Honoring where we are each day and showing up and being honest about that place allows us to connect deeper, support harder and be a truer version of ourselves.

Empowered Connections: 

Building strong, supportive relationships that inspire and uplift while fostering a community where women feel confident and motivated to achieve their wellness goals & never feel alone. This leads to a ripple effect of positive impact with all lives we come in contact with.

Kind Support: 

Offering compassionate, empathetic guidance and encouragement throughout each person’s wellness journey. By prioritizing understanding, patience, and genuine care, we create a safe and nurturing environment where women feel valued and motivated to achieve their personal goals. This supportive approach ensures that every step taken is met with kindness, making the process of transformation more enjoyable and sustainable.

Let’s Work Together!

  • Online Coaching

    Ditch the chronic back pain & peeing your pants and eliminate the stubborn lower belly pooch with my 90 Day Core & Pelvic Floor Optimizer. Stop feeling stuck, frustrated and confused on how to get started on your fitness and get the coach and cheerleader you need to show you exactly how to get a strong core & pelvic floor and reach all your goals!

  • Core & Pelvic Floor Simplified!

    Join my FREE Core & Pelvic Floor Simplified Facebook group. Stay in the know and be the first to get tips/tricks, freebies, offers and education on all things core & pelvic floor, functional fitness, motivation/mindset/habits and easy nutrition!

  • Core & Pelvic FloorTraining

    So you want to figure out how to really train your core & change your body for good? Strengthen your core one breath at a time with this challenge that eliminates the guess work!

  • Habit Changes

    If you want to start before you’re ready, stop being stuck and start feeling like yourself again postpartum (no matter what age your baby is!) Happy Habits is where to begin!

  • Catch a Live Class!

    I love getting to connect and coach IN PERSON when I can and would love for you to join me!
    My current Schedule is:

    I Thursdays I TRX (All Levels) I
    I 12pm-12:45pm I Elev8 Climbing Gym I


    I Thursdays I Slow Burn Yoga Flow All Levels) I
    I 10am-11am I Yen Yoga & Fitness I

    Private Sessions & Workshops
    Available Upon Request!

  • On Demand Classes

    K10 On Demand Workouts make your fitness flexible, accessible and fun!
    With a fully loaded library of classes ranging from full & split body strength, mobility & release work, yoga, core & more you can catch a class anytime that works for you from the comfort of your own home!

Hear what Laura has to say about how
she decreased back pain & changed her
posture and how she’s feeling now!

What They Say…

Listen to Lisa’s experience with pelvic floor discomfort and how she changed her body and habits while being a busy mom!

Hear how Steph’s workouts can be a little crazy
and kid filled…and still effective and fun with the workout accessibility and body awareness!

Core & Pelvic Floor

Optimizer Method

Are you ready ditch the chronic back pain, leaking & stubborn lower belly pooch and get a strong core and flat abs along without spending hours a week with workouts and meal planning?

I've been in your shoes, navigating the whirlwind of motherhood while trying to find time for self-care and fitness.
Guess what? It's possible, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way!

Imagine having a wellness coach who understands the unique challenges of postpartum life – someone who has been there. That someone is ME, and I'm here to empower you to become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself, While reclaiming your YOU-ness and prioritizing your well-being in the midst of the chaos that is lifeI

Together, we'll transform those seemingly impossible fitness, functional core & self-care goals into achievable, mom-friendly habits. No more guilt, no more feeling overwhelmed – just a supportive community of like-minded moms cheering you on.

Get Free Stuff!

Check out my free guides on topics like Core & Pelvic Floor strength, easing back pain, creating life changing habits, and tracking your goals? Get instant access to these incredible resources!

Give the Gift of Wellness

The one-size-fits-all gift every woman will love.
Simplify your gift giving & snag a K10 Fitness Gift Card here! >>>