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Classes Available On Demand
Over 50 Virtual On Demand Classes to chose from
& fresh content being added all the time!
Instructions to access On Demand Library:
Create an account or sign in
Click Instructors and search K10 Fitness (Be sure to add the space!)
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Purchase packages or monthly membership (Click packages)
Let me know if anything doesn’t work so we can get it fixed and get you movin’!
Monthly Membership
A monthly membership gets you access to the entire K10 Fitness Virtual On Demand Library and any live classes offered. It auto-renews monthly.
5 Class Package
5 Class Package gets you access to the entire K10 Fitness Virtual On Demand Library and any live classes offered.
10 Class Package
10 class package can be used to access the entire K10 Fitness Virtual On Demand library and any live classes offered.
20 Class Package
20 Class Package gets you access to the ENTIRE K10 Fitness Virtual On Demand Library and any live classes offered.
Client Testimonials
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Join me for a guided workout On Demand through Recess.tv.